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the Hive

Welcome to the place where I write about and show off my Moth Pixies.

I’ve always wanted to set up my own hive but never really had the right circumstances for it until I moved here. Now I have a slightly secluded wall facing the forest that I think is perfect for a Moth Pixie home, and the financial resources to take good care of a moderately sized colony. 


The first thing I did was to put up a sturdy shelf on the wall. I tried to not destroy too much of the unruly vegetation, I just took away enough so that I can easily walk back there when needed. 


From what I’ve read on the subject a key in setting up a Moth Pixie living space is clutter and variation. It cannot be too open since they want to feel hidden and secure in their home, and different Moth pixies prefer different living quarters. I’ve understood that it’s very individual, and thus I’m going to try for a variety of options. Part of the shelf I just loaded with some old compost bags and random stuff to keep it cluttered, I can make more place for the hive if I need later. I put a big pot with a plant in it to make it a little bit more lively and then I made the hive. First is an old sugar crate. I made a kind of cat-flap like door by just sawing a square out and putting in hinges. The inside I filled with dolls furniture to make a miniature bedroom fit for a moth pixie.

The second space I added was an old bag I found at a sexond hand in the area. It has lots of pockets and is quite spacious and I think it’ll do well for a Moth Pixie that likes it soft and dark and wants plenty of storage space. I tied it up properly underneath the shelf to give if shelter from rain and put a few screws through it to secure it to the shelf and wall. 

Third I brought out the heavy artillery. I had a few paint buckets left from painting my living room and kitchen that I fit together like a tower. I sawed holes so that the Moth Pixie can move easily between the floors. I put the buckets together with brackets and glue and the inside I covered first with a layer of bubble wrap (for insulation) and then with fabrics I picked up from the same second hand I bought the bag from.  I also put some holes in the buckets that I fastened a thick clear plastic in to let some light in, like little windows.

Last but not least I’ve got an old birdhouse I made in seventh grade that my parents found in their attic a while ago. I gave it a new coat of paint and built a little balcony for it to make it a little bit more appealing. I gave the inside a sanding and some varnish and then I might’ve went a little over board but I made some paintings I fastened with putty to make it homey. I filled it halfway up with some wool from a farm nearby. They gave me a bag full of some wool that wasn’t of commercial use that I sifted through and cleaned up to make the perfect nest material. 


With that I have four different quarters in my very own hive! Now I’ll just put out food there daily to see if any local moth pixies want to take up residency. Since they don’t have any tendency to act as invasive species I might even introduce new ones If I’m lucky enough to find any for sale. 


From what I’ve gathered it seems their most important nutritional need is sugar of all kinds, though apparently they get most of their sustenance from magical energies. I’ve got a garden of flowers but not enough to sustain my hive solely with it’s nectar, especially in winter time, so I’ll provide something sweet every day for them. Thankfully I’m one of those people who pick more fruit and berries than I eat so my freezer is full of lingonberries, blueberries and diced apple. I’ve also started baking and freezing down some cakes and other sweet things to always have at hand and to create some variety.


I am very excited about my progress so far, but I try to stay calm since I know it might take time for my hive to become the community full of life and magic I know it will become with some luck and patience.

imagine a picture of the hive here please...

This is an archive made for the rpg of the closed species Moth Pixies, more information about that can be found at their website:

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